Registreerimise lõpp: 10.06.2012 03:00
Vabu kohti: 0
Eesti Kütte- ja Ventilatsiooniinseneride Ühendus koostöös Tallinna Tehnikaülikooliga kutsuvad ettevõtete esindajaid osalema ehitusvaldkonna suvekoolis.
Estonia, Tallinn University of Tehnology • June 11., 12., 13.
11.06.12 Day 1 9:30...19:30 Tallinn University of Technology (Ehitajate tee 5 Tallinn)
Graig Spolek: Professor at Portland State University, USA
Sarah - Jane Stewart: Sustainability Group leader, ARUP, Great Britain
Hendrik Voll: Associate Professor at Tallinn University of Technology
Erkki Seinre: Ph.D student at Tallinn University of Technology
Maija Virta: Managing Director of Green Building Council Finland
Zane Sauka: Managing Director of Green Building Council Latvia
Joint session for Ph.D students and enterpreneurs
9.30– 10.00 Building Labelling Overview (H.Voll) (30 minutes)
10.00- 12.00 Sustainable Buildings (G.Spolek) (2 hours)
12.00- 13.00 Lunch Break (1 hour)
13.00- 15.00 Examples of Sustainable buildings (G.Spolek) (2 hours)
15.00- 15.30 Break (30 minutes)
Parallel session for enterpreneurs
15.30- 17.00 The Current Situation and Future of Building Labelling in Finland (M.Virta) (1,5 hours)
17.00- 17.30 Break (30 minutes)
17.30- 19.00 The Current Situation and Future of Building Labelling in Latvia (Z.Sauka) (1,5 hours)
Suvekooli töökeel on inglise keel, registreerimine toimub läbi EKVÜ
Information about course content: Hendrik Voll (, tel 6202510)
12.06.12 Day 2 9:00...17:00 Tallinn University of Technology (Ehitajate tee 5 Tallinn)
Graig Spolek: Professor at Portland State University, USA
Mel Starrs: Associate Director PRP Environmental, Great Britain
Sarah - Jane Stewart: Sustainability Group leader, ARUP, Great Britain
Maija Virta: Managing Director of Green Building Council Finland
Zane Sauka: Managing Director of Green Building Council Latvia
Joint session for Ph.D students and enterpreneurs
9.00- 11.00 Sustainable Strategies to Achieve LEED Credits (G.Spolek) (2 hours)
11.00-12.30 "The Current Situation and Future of Building Labelling in Great Britain the role of BREEAM" (M.Starrs) (1,5 hours)
12.30- 13.30 Lunch Break (60 minutes)
Parallel session for enterpreneurs
13.30- 15.00 Building labelling workshop (S-J.Stewart) (1,5 hours)
13.06.12 Day 2 9:30...14:30 Tallinn University of Technology (Ehitajate tee 5 Tallinn)
Madis Org: Energy and green economy foresight expert of Estonian Development Fund
Andero Laur: Skanska Estonia
Elari Udam: Administrative Director of State Real Estate Ltd, RKAS
9.30- 10.15 The role of Minergie in Switzerland's Buildings Design and Refurbishment (M.Org) (45 min)
10.15- 11.00 Estonian Development Fund Future Perspectives in Sustainable Construction
Development (M.Org) (45 minutes)
11.00- 11.45 Building Labelling the Future Perspectives in Estonia (Elari Udam) (45 minutes) – eesti keeles
11.45- 12.30 Lunch Break (45 minutes)
12.30- 14.00 Where do we Stand in the Sense of Sustainable Construction in Estonia (A.Laur) (1,5 hours) – eesti keeles
14.00 Closing words (H.Voll); (G.Spolek)
Suvekooli töökeel on inglise keel, registreerimine toimub läbi EKVÜ
Information about course content: Hendrik Voll (, tel 6202510)
Suveülikoolis osalemine on tasuta doktorantidele ning piiratud arvuga magistrantidele.
EKVÜ liikmetele 30 eurot, teistest ettevõtetest 60 eurot.
Osalustasu ei sõltu osaletud päevade arvust.
Tudengitel palume registreeruda TTÜ-s tel 6202063
Osalustasust kaetakse materjalide ja kohvipauside ning korraldustöö lisakulud.